Here’s another treasure from the archives of my parent’s attic…let’s unpack this, shall we?
Where to start? First, can you smell the capitalism emanating from this worksheet? This was around 2nd grade, a perfectly appropriate time to introduce a kid to the idea of “entering the market place”. Mustn’t pass up the opportunity to root Jimmy’s self-worth solely in his productivity to the state!
Second, I distinctly remember my mom saying that the job I might end up having wasn’t invented yet and I was blown away by that thought. She was right, it was 1992 and there were only 26 websites on the entire internet.
And finally, I knew that I “would not do good” at my parent’s professions, but BEHOLD this piece of Early Millenial propaganda…”At one time in the history of this world, it was assumed that children would follow in the footsteps of their parents…but you have a great deal more freedom than children of any previous generation…so grab your student loan debt, your overwrought sense of entitlement, and prepare for the world to judge you for coming of age in an economy that will systematically disassemble the middle class!!”
I kid, I kid. What an incredible thing to be taught to dream big and color outside the lines! Most of us fell hook, line, and sinker for this encouragement and believed we could do anything. So when we grew up and found out that “tomorrow’s tomorrows” are still completely unpredictable, we were ready.